There were days when it seemed that he wasn't listening. Some days he just ran away. You have loved him during all of this and understood and guided him during his difficult days. You listened to me and my concerns. You changed my child's life. ABA strategies made a DIFFERENCEā€¯
ABA has worked wonders on our child and showed us light at the end of the tunnel. With the help of ABA strategies, our child can join the dots and understands and interacts and learns happily. It is indeed a therapy for our souls.
AMy son found not just a therapist and counsellor but also a shadow parent in the team of CRIA when we enrolled him for Bridge sessions. Personal care, attention to detail and regular counselling helped us understand the complexity and thereby the ask for our child at a time when we needed the most. Timely interventions have helped and guided us over the years, and I would humbly admit it's the foundation that has been set right for him now, thanks to CRIA
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